Watch me if you please...
Not a very good video, but you can't expect the best with a cell phone. :)
We now live in Spring, Tx. We moved here from seattle about a yearand a half ago. We own our own landscaping bussiness with dave's sister and husband and are doing really well. Dave and I have been married for 6 years, and have a little girl callie who is now 5 years old. Our little boy Parker was born on Sep. 20. We have a perfect little life and we love everything about it!
Not a very good video, but you can't expect the best with a cell phone. :)
We were eating dinner the other night, Chicken, Cauliflower, and something else i can't remember. Parker this whole time was just staring at us like we were these horrible people who were eating and not sharing with him, so Dave really boiled up the cauliflower mashed it and fed it to Parker. So this is Parker's reaction to his first real food, other than store bought baby food. Also just to throw it is fresh from the garden! Oh yeah sorry the video is a little bumpy ( or really bumpy) Who would of thought holding a camera, a baby food bowl and feed a child at the same time was a little tricky :) So really it's all about his funny noises so TURN UP THOSE SPEAKERS!