The Joy of Parenting...

Location: United States

We now live in Spring, Tx. We moved here from seattle about a yearand a half ago. We own our own landscaping bussiness with dave's sister and husband and are doing really well. Dave and I have been married for 6 years, and have a little girl callie who is now 5 years old. Our little boy Parker was born on Sep. 20. We have a perfect little life and we love everything about it!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Callie came up to me today after she painted this and said..... "Momma i just wanted to give you this masterpeice, i worked on it my whole life!" haha man i didnt know 10 mins of painting was her whole life.... and then she went on to say... " i am like retardo vinchi" ( i think she was trying to say Leonardo divinchi... ok i dont even know if i spelled that right) Ummm wow.. how could i not laugh at that, and then she got up set with me because i was laughing! What to do what to do..... :) :) I love her!

Callie waiting...

Here is callie waiting to go to school today...!!! hahaha...


Ok so here are a few pictures of our dresser from beggining to almost the end.... It is still a little to red looking i think, so we are going to put another coat or two on it, but everyone was asking me to send pictures, so i put it together real fast and here are the pictures.... oh yeah there are also a few of my room on here... still in the process, but almost done with it. And if you are looking closely, yes my bed is still on the floor.... but getting a bed frame for it this weekend..The other picture is just a cornor in my room.... and then if you can see the other wall, ( its in the reflection in the mirror with the dresser)... is two candels on each side of a picture frame that holds four pictures of me and dave. One wall is chocolate brown and the others are a off white/kakhi color.. the pictures make it look more white. and the dresser, isnt as red in person then it is in the pictures. Ok i know they are all out of order...but there ya go..

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Funny kids...

haha, ok so i just need to tell you a conversation callie and her daddy had...

Callie: Daddy i am going to be a police officer

Dave: Oh yeah, you gonna be a big bad policeman and get the bad people.

Callie: Yep, and then i will shoot them POW POW POW and they be dead... and then they will go POW POW POW and i will be dead!

She got real quite with this weird look on her face and then said

Callie: I think i need to rethink this... daddy will you help me be something eles when i become a badult (thats how she says adult, i have no idea why).

Dave: Of course honey i will help you become anything you want.

HAHA man you gotta love kids. Callie has this funny accent/voice most of you know how she talks... but it was so funny that she came up with that and decided she didnt like the outcome of it.! Man i love her sooo much...Well crap... she just coughed/puked again.. soo see ya'll later

My goodness!!

Oh my goodness, this week has been crazy. First of all i got sooo sick, couldnt figure out which end to put on the toilet.. (haha ok i know way to much info) then callie kind of got it, but not real bad or anything. But now she has this crazy wacky cough. Poor girl, she coughs so hard she cant help but choke herself while she is coughing and then puke! Yeah for me!!!! Ok so this is the part i hate... i hate it when she gets sick, all because i will get exactly what she has, only because as a mom and most of you know, you cuddle them and love on them and try to make them as comfy as you can when they are sick, so therefore they breath on you, cough on you and puke on you.! Man being a parent is hard. But i havent told her she cant go to school yet, that is another battle in its self. she loves school so much and gets really upset when she cant go. On a absolutly great note.... my husband finally started new jobs again, i know i know i complain alot when i dont see him, and we all know during the summer and spring i am pretty much a single mom, and i should just enjoy the time in the winter he is home more... well since christmas he has been home pretty much everyday... dont get me wrong, i love him to death and its great to spend time together, but man i am soooo excited to get back to a normal life. hold on the phone is ringing.....ok, 35 mins later i am back... But, when dave was home we did get alot of stuff done around the house, right now i need to put once more coat of stain on my dresser and it will be done, and then i will put pics of my room up on here. well that is my life latly, sorry no pictures dave took my camera today, so i will put some more up soon.! Hope everyone has a great day!!!