Location: United States

We now live in Spring, Tx. We moved here from seattle about a yearand a half ago. We own our own landscaping bussiness with dave's sister and husband and are doing really well. Dave and I have been married for 6 years, and have a little girl callie who is now 5 years old. Our little boy Parker was born on Sep. 20. We have a perfect little life and we love everything about it!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our tree

It's not a great picture, but here is our tree now. It's been up for a while now so the cats and kids have been all over it so it dosent look its best now. But here it is, and i'm getting anxious about it. Dave wont put my presents under there yet because he thinks i will open them before christmas. I don't know where all these people get the idea i will open them before christmas, even my mom won't put my presents under the tree, if she does she hides them in the back where i can't see them. I mean come on people i'm 25 now, i did that as a kid. What makes you think i havent changed??? HAHAHA Your right i havent... hide those presents good because i am on the look out!!!! :)


Blogger Gaskin Girls said...

VERY cute! Don't you just love the feeling you get when you see the Christmas lights on? I just leave them on ALL day! :)

December 14, 2008 at 10:00 PM  

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